It all started with the Class of 1923...

Elder’s first graduating class consisted of six men and two women who will forever be remembered as the first members of an exceptionally loyal and supportive group of individuals called Elder Alumni. Today, one can find an Elder grad living in any of the 50 United States as well as in 22 foreign countries around the world!

This page contains a listing of those classes which gather on a regular basis. Whether it be monthly or quarterly meals or just getting together for drinks and camaraderie, the Elder Spirit remains alive and well within the alumni community.

List of 9 items.

  • The 1940s

    Class of ’46 call class rep, Al Bosch (931-7241).

    Class of ’48 call class rep, Butch Rowekamp (922-4285).

    Class of ’49 contact class rep, Larry Bredestege (598-1250 or
  • The 1950s

    Class of ’50 meets at noon on the third Friday of Jan., Apr., Jul., and Oct. Contact Ken Koppmeier (741-4488 or

    Class of ’51 
    meets at 11:30 A.M. on the first Wednesday of every month at Price Hill Chili. Contact Gus Bonno (451-4147 or 

    Class of ’52
    meets for lunch at 11:30 A.M. on the first Wednesday of every month at Aston Oaks. Call Don Griffin (574-1235) or Chuck Finn (941-4831). 

    Class of ’53
    meets at noon on the first Thursday of every month at various locations. Contact Tom Malone (922-7305 or or Phil Cappel (922-0975 or

    Class of ’54
    meets for lunch at noon on the third Friday of every month at Aston Oaks. Contact Dan Sullivan (451-8175 or

    Class of 55
    meets at noon on the last Thursday of every month at Price Hill Chili. Call Ken Gilkey (941-3113) or Bill Backs (941-7045).

    Class of ’56
    meets at noon on the first Wednesday of every month at Werkhaus Pizza. Call Tom Sullivan (451-9164) or Tom Davoran (Grandview1-8817).

    Class of ’57
    meets at 1:00 P.M. on the first Tuesday of every month at Aston Oaks. Call Skip Brogan (467-1334) or Larry Reidy (812-934-2416).

    Class of ’58
    meets at noon on the second Tuesday of every month at Price Hill Chili. Contact Jim Heisel (451-4926 or

    Class of 59
    meets at 11:30 A.M. on the first Thursday of every month at Chandler's Burger Bistro on Cleves Warsaw. Contact Tom Weber (205-0721 or or Bob Jorden (310-0301 or
  • The 1960s

    Class of ’60 will celebrate its 65-year reunion on October 10, 2025. The class also meets at noon on the last Friday of every month at The Pirate's Den (3670 Werk Rd.). In August, the class meets elsewhere. Contact Pat Meehan (574-7238 or or Tom Oker (598-4343) for details.

    Class of ’61
    hosts various events and attends “Steeple Chase” Masses throughout the year. CLICK OR TAP HERE to view the 2024 Mass schedule. Contact Jim Stanton (922-9260 or

    Class of ’62
    meets at noon on the second Friday of every month at Price Hill Chili. Contact Dan Aug (812-537-4581 or or Mick Brady (706-1899 or

    Class of ’63
    meets at noon at Jim & Jack’s on the following dates in 2025: Jan. 3, Mar. 7, May 2, Jul. 11, Sep. 5, and Nov. 7. Contact Larry Dreyer (293-4248 or

    Class of 64
    meets at noon on the third Wednesday of every month at Jim & Jack's. Contact Bob Schaefer (373-5018 or 

    Class of '65 will celebrate its 60-year reunion on August 29, 20225. The class also meets at noon on the second Wednesday of every month at Aston Oaks. Contact Dave Moorman (382-9614 or

    Class of 66 meets at 11:00 A.M. on the first Wednesday of every month at Jim & Jack’s. Contact Terry McLaughlin at

    Class of ’67
    meets at 5:15 P.M. on the second Tuesday of every month at Jim & Jack's, as well as the first Wednesday of every month for 8:30 A.M. Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church followed by breakfast at Price Hill Chili. Contact Ray Witteride (543-2437 or or Mike Maley (535-4653). Those interested in contributing to the Mike Witt Memorial Scholarship should contact Elder directly. 

    Class of ’68 hosts various gatherings throughout the year, including lunches, dinners, and golf outings. Contact Larry Frey (739-6904 or or Rick Voss (706-1719 or

    Class of ’69
    meets at noon on the last Tuesday of every month (except for Nov. and Dec.) at Jim & Jack's. Nov./Dec. will be hosted on a different Tuesday. Contact Tim Eagan (922-4339 or, Tom Holtmann (451-5587 or or Bruce Barth (941-4645 or
  • The 1970s

    Class of 70 will celebrate its 55-year reunion on October 3, 2025. The class also meets at noon on the first Friday of every month at Jim & Jack's on River Road. Contact Chuck Hais (314-2258 or

    Class of 71 meets at various times and places throughout the year. Contact Dale Welsh (607-1227 or or Guy Cagney (312-7900 or

    Class of ’72 meets at 6:00 P.M. on the last Wednesday of every month except for Nov. and Dec. at Price Hill Chili. The class has also established the Class of 1972 Scholarship Endowment to help young men in need gain the same educational opportunities we had at Elder. Contact Ron Coffaro (257-3651 or or call the school for more information or to contribute.

    Class of 73
    meets at noon on the last Thursday of every month at Jim & Jack's. The class has also established a permanent scholarship at Elder! To contribute to the fund contact Satch Coletta (378-2908 or or call the Alumni Office.

    Class of 
    74 meets at 7:30 P.M. on the third Monday of every month at Price Hill Chili. Email John Voellmecke at The class also has a Facebook group; search "Elder High School - Class of 1974" or simply click here.

    Class of 75
    will celebrate its 50-year reunion on August 29, 2025. The class is accepting donations in order to establish a permanent Class of 1975 Scholarship at Elder. Email Greg Meyers ( or call the Alumni Office for more information.

    Class of 76
    meets quarterly at various locations. Email Don Acito ( or Bob Holwadel ( for details. The class also has a Facebook group -- search "Elder High School Class of 1976" or simply click here. A permanent Class of 1976 Scholarship has been established at Elder. Contact Bill O'Conner (235-4679 or or the Alumni Office for more information or to donate.

    Class of ’77 has a Facebook group -- search "Elder Class of 1977" or simply click here.
  • The 1980s

    Class of '80 will celebrate its 45-year reunion on August 29, 2025. Email Bill Maly and Paul Wienkamp at

    Class of
    ’83 is updating its contact list. Class members are asked to email their contact information to either Dave Humphrey at or Rick Warman at Those without email may instead call or text Dave at 513-505-0212.

    Class of '85 will celebrate its 40-year reunion on October 10, 2025. Contact Tom Hoferer (470-3765 or

    Class of ’87
    has established of the Class of 1987 Memorial Fund! To contribute, contact the school or Bob Flower (549-8710 or or Jeff Tuttle (919-2830 or
  • The 1990s

    Class of '90 will celebrate its 35-year reunion on October 3, 2025. Contact Brian Stautberg (477-0579 or

    Class of '92
    meets at various times and locations every month. For details, contact Matt Deters (739-7373 or Also, the Class of 1992 scholarship has been established at Elder. Contact Chas Eddingfield (265-8774 or or call the Alumni Office to inquire or contribute.

    Class of '95 will celebrate its 30-year reunion on October 3, 2025. Contact Brian Conners (519-0385 or
  • The 2000s

    Class of '00 is currently planning its 25-year reunion for the fall of 2025. Email Mike Bollin at

    Class of '05 will celebrate its 20-year reunion on October 3, 2025. Email Paul Heidemann at or Kyle Roedersheimer at
  • The 2010s

    Class of '10 will celebrate its 15-year reunion on August 22, 2025. Contact Ryan Ruffing (502-4888 or

    Class of '15 will celebrate its 10-year reunion on October 10, 2025. Email Nick Wells at
  • The 2020s

    Class of '20 will celebrate its 5-year reunion on October 24, 2025. Contact Nathan Bill (478-8187 or

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Brian Bill

    Mr. Brian Bill 

    Alumni Director