Summer School at Elder High School

Elder High School offers credit recovery and original-credit courses in its summer school program. Registration for summer school begins March 17, 2025. Students interested in taking one of these courses should complete this registration form. The completed form should then be submitted via email to Payment should be mailed to Elder High School.

Summer school information, including the registration form and course descriptions, can be found on this page (below) and may also be obtained from the student’s school counselor or the main office.

Students should plan for courses to be completed online, in-person, and/or a hybrid of both. The dates for summer school will be June 2-27, 2025.

Credit Recovery

Credit recovery courses are for current high school students to earn credits failed during the school year. Credit recovery course offerings include Religion, English, Science, Social Studies, and Math. Students must be registered for credit recovery courses by May 29, 2025.

List of 2 items.

  • Religion

    June 2-27, 2025
    Students can make up half-credit religion courses. The religion course will be a hybrid course with in-person meetings and online work necessary. Students and parents will be sent an email from the instructor with the directions and assignments for the course.  The cost for this course is $400.00. The registration can be submitted via email to and the payment mailed to the office at Elder High School, 3900 Vincent Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205, Attn: Patrick Tucker. Registration must be received prior to May 29, 2025, at 3:00 P.M.
  • English, Science, Social Studies & Math

    June 2-27, 2025
    Students can make up full-credit or half-credit courses in English, Science, Social Studies, or Math. These will be in-person courses. Students must be prepared to attend every class session in the 3- week summer school period. Students and parents will be sent an email with specific information for their courses. Classes will meet from 9am-11am, Monday through Friday. The cost for a full-credit remedial course is $500.00. The registration can be submitted via email to and the payment mailed to the office at Elder High School, 3900 Vincent Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205, Attn: Patrick Tucker. Registration must be received prior to May 29, 2025, at 3:00 P.M.

Original Credit

Original credit courses offered during the summer session include Health and Physical Education. Students currently enrolled in grades 8-11 may take either of the courses or both. Students who successfully pass these courses would receive high school credit. The acceptance of the credit is determined by the individual high school.  Students must be registered for original-credit courses by May 16, 2025.

List of 2 items.

  • Health

    June 2-27, 2025
    This is a hybrid course with in-person meetings and online work. Students may work at their own pace provided they submit completed assignments by the due dates. Students must have access to e-mail and a computer to complete this course. The cost for the original-credit course or a course for credit recovery is $400.00. The registration can be submitted via email to and the payment mailed to the office at Elder High School, 3900 Vincent Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205, Attn: Patrick Tucker. Registration must be received on or before May 16, 2025, at 3:00 P.M.
  • Physical Education

    June 2-27, 2025
    This is a distance learning course with no in-person meetings. The student must have access to a computer and a valid e-mail address to complete the course.  The cost for the semester course is $400.00. The registration can be submitted via email to and the payment mailed to the office at Elder High School, 3900 Vincent Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205, Attn: Patrick Tucker. Registration must be received on or before May 16, 2025, at 3:00 P.M.

For more information

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  • Photo of Patrick Tucker

    Dr. Patrick Tucker 

    Asst. Principal, Dean of Academics