Prayer & Worship

In addition to daily morning prayer, students have the opportunity to participate in both grade-specific and all-school masses. Communion services are also offered in the Chapel of St. Henry prior to the start of every school day.

Morning Prayer

Prayer is an integral part of our Catholic faith, so much so, that we join together as a school at the beginning of every school day. During morning homeroom, a member of our Liturgy Committee will read aloud over the school's PA system a special prayer to start the day.


Catholic Holy Days of Obligation are observed throughout the school year, as are other special occasions such as our Memorial Mass, Catholic Schools Week, Ash Wednesday, and Elderfest. The Liturgy Committee, under the guidance of the Campus Minister, plays an important role toward the planning and execution of all-school Masses.

Communion Services

Every school day, students, staff, and faculty members are invited to attend brief services in the Chapel of St. Henry, located off the main hallway of the school building, where extraordinary ministers distribute Holy Communion to those present.

1 Announcements displayed.

  • Daily Prayer

    Loving God,
    Open our eyes so that we can see your beloved Son reflected in the faces of the poor and the marginalized. Advance our understanding so that we can realize that through loving kindness, we can erase the margins that we have created separating “us” from “them”. Help us to always choose to do what is right, and to always seek to help those who cannot help themselves.
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